Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Adventures in Birmingham

Josh has settled into his new job, Aiden has settled into his travel bed (thank you Marci and Travis), and I have settled into the fact that I don't have a car, just in time for us to pack up and head back to Texas.  Josh went into work on Monday and they asked him when he would be heading to Austin.  Apparently, there was a miscommunication about where they needed Josh for the majority of his time away from home.  It was bad miscommunication too considering they got us a furnished apartment for a month here in Birmingham!!  We plan to leave on Saturday morning to make our trek back to Texas.  I am sad about packing the car up again, but I am mostly sad about not doing all the fun things I had planned while we were here.  Here are a few things we have done while in Birmingham...

The three of us went to dinner at a little pizza place down the street from our apartment Sunday night.  Aiden slept most of the time, but woke up just long enough for us to take some pictures with him. 

This is at the top of the summit in Birmingham in the apartment complex we are staying.  Within walking distance from our home away from home there is a HUGE outdoor mall and lots of fun shopping.  I have yet to make it over there because I'm a bit intimidated by the enormous hill that I have to push the stroller up to get there.  I will do it before we leave, mark my words!!!  

Aiden with his signature "shocked" look on his face.  

Those pictures are from Monday.  We really wasted the day and I sure wish we would have done more.  The only thing we really accomplished that day was taking BACK the groceries to Wal-mart that we had brought the previous day.  I have never been so embarrassed in my life.  We just couldn't keep them because there was no way we could eat that amount of food in a week and we couldn't take them with us because the car is already soooooo full!!  After Wal-mart the three of us went to the pool for a little bit.  Aiden slept in the shade and Josh and I worked out our tan.  We are now a little darker shade of white!

Tuesday we headed to Old Town Helena (The #1 place in Alabama to live--we didn't find out why).  All the shops in this area are old restored houses, they were so cute.  We first stopped at a little Italian ice shop.  It wasn't open but the owner was there so he gave us some anyway.  


After Aiden got sick all over me.  He didn't notice because he does this all the time but I sure did!!  

He recovered nicely!!!  Aiden is such a happy baby.  I swear he is either eating, sleeping, or smiling.  Occasionally he is fussy at night but we were really blessed with a happy, smiley baby! 

These were some of the shops along the street we walked down.  So cute.  

After Old Town Helena we headed back to Birmingham and went to the Vulcan museum and statue.  Of course they were restoring the statue so we were unable to go up to the observation deck.  It turned out to be okay because we saw some nice views from below. 

Downtown Birmingham is the backdrop.  

We ended our day playing in the grass under the statue.  It was so nice because we were the only people there. 

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