Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Season 2010-- part 1

Wednesday, we took Aiden to see Santa and he had a minor meltdown.  I don't really know what I expected.  He was so happy in the line and was waving at Santa and all the helpers.  As soon as we started walking towards him Aiden gripped onto me and didn't want to let go.  I pulled him off and made him sit there for a few seconds....

Here are a few of my other favorite pictures from this month.  

Aiden got caught cleaning the diet coke case with his toothbrush!  

He rode the Mickey ride at Babies R Us and loved it. 

I don't know why we are leaning in this pictures... 
 Aiden had fun shopping with Nana and Pop

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby Dedication

Last Sunday, Aiden had his baby dedication at our church.  For the longest time I didn't understand what it meant to "dedicate" your baby.  I have to say that I am so glad we did it now as I understand the true meaning of the ceremony.  This was a symbolic act that allowed Josh and I to declare our commitment to raise Aiden in a Christ-centered home.  This was not a baptism.  No ceremony is required for Aiden to be saved when he willingly decides to turn his life over to God through Jesus Christ. That will be his heart's decision.  

Normally our church has the babies and their families march across the stage in front of the entire congregation.  This year they tried it a little different and it was perfect and so very meaningful.  There were 11 families sitting at tables.  All the parents were able to invite friends and families to fill their tables (up to ten people) who would support them in raising their child to follow Christ.  We decided we weren't going to invite any friends simply because we only had ten seats and more friends than that so we didn't want to leave anyone out.  My parents and brother were already here for the Christmas break so they attended with us.  Actually, my dad was supposed to but his plane from LA was delayed so he joined us after the ceremony.  Josh and I would have loved for Josh's family to be here but it is such a long drive and we will be seeing them in a couple weeks so we just kept it small.  Once we sat at our tables that were decorated so sweetly we got to watch a little slideshow of all the babies.  Our pastor Paul spoke a few words.  Then Josh and I read a letter we wrote to Aiden about our promise and about the boy/man we want him to become.  It was a really special day!  Aiden received a new children's bible filled with stories a child can understand and a letter for our pastors Jim and Paul to be opened by Aiden on the day he accepts Christ.  

Here are a couple pictures we took!  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~~Fall Wrap up~~

Fall is wrapping up and Christmas is almost here.  This blog is kind of a hodgepodge of what has been happening this fall as we were so busy.  We made several trips to Lubbock and if I never drive back there it would be too soon.  Not really but after driving there six times with a baby I'm tired of it.  Our first couple trips were so easy and Aiden slept.  Our last couple trips Aiden wanted to be entertained the entire time and hated being in his car seat.  Josh and I finally put in earplugs the last hour of our final trip.  All of the sitting and screaming was for a good reason though and we always had a great time when we were there.  Aiden is now a true Red Raider!  He got to go to a couple of games with us but mostly stayed with friends and family while Josh and I went to the games.

Excited before his first big game

We stay with Marcus when we are there.  I'm sure he is tired of having his house invaded.

We got to see and enjoy some of our best friends!  I'm glad I got to see so much of Erin and her new husband this fall! 

Alicia rode down from Dallas with us one weekend.  The three of us had a great time going out like old times! 

Other things went on this fall besides football.  Here are a couple things Aiden is now doing:
* WALKING!  He took his first steps in November about a week before Thanksgiving. At first he would just walk a bit then crawl because it was still faster.  Now he walks everywhere and gets into everything!
* He says a few words including mama, dada, pup, bite, ba (bottle) and book.
* He claps.
* He blows the sweetest kisses.
* He is really understanding when Josh and I say short phrases to him like "no" and "bring me _____"
* He is sleeping through the night which he has been for months but it still is nice to type because I never thought I would get 8 much less 12-14 hours of rest again! :)
* He is eating anything and everything under the sun (dog food included)!  He will pretty much eat whatever we offer except macaroni and cheese.
* His favorite toys right now are stuffed animals, cars, and books.  He loves books which I am so proud of!  I am sure there will come a time that he hates them though.  He also love Little People and Woody from Toy Story although we have never seen the movie.  He just has a fascination with him every time he sees him.
* He had his first sickness. :(  The night before Thanksgiving Josh and I had to take him to the emergency clinic in Lubbock because he was running a high temperature.  Turns out he had a double ear infection and throat infection.  Poor guy was so sick over Thanksgiving!

Here are a few other cute pictures that I took this fall.

Aiden and Josh at the Fall festival at Stonebridge Church

Uncle Marcus and Aiden on Thanksgiving night.  This is one of the only pictures I got over Thanksgiving. :(

Cooper lovin' on Aiden.  They really have become the best of friends.  Aiden feeds Coop all of his food and Coop makes sure Aiden is always clean.  

Holiday post will be done shortly!  I have a lot of pictures to share already from the holiday season.