Monday, December 12, 2011

Aiden's Birthday Party

* I posted several blogs today... I am now caught up for any of you that still read! :) 

We had Aiden's 2nd birthday party this weekend.  There were many reasons why we had it so early but the main one was because his birthday is during the holiday week and we thought a lot of people would be out of town. It was easier and less stressful to plan it a couple weeks before his actual birthday.  We will still celebrate him turning 2 on December 29th with my parents, grandparents, and brother! 

His birthday party was AMAZING!  It was at the Frontier of Flight Museum in Dallas and it was sooooo much fun!  There are a ton of things for kids (and adults)!  There is a bounce house, movie theater, jungle gyms, an old Southwest airplane that kids can run through, and many, many airplanes to play in.  

I made Aiden's invitations and got his envelopes off Etsy (best website ever)

Sweet birthday boy!  He was so pumped to be there! 

Fueling Station 

Lots of In-Flight Snacks

The cupcakes were so yummy but next time I think I will stick to white icing only or pick a different way to change the color because the poor people who ate the blue ones had blue teeth for a while!  

I got these vintage suitcases off Craigslist- ha!  One says "Baggage Claim" and one says "Luggage Drop-off" for the gifts that were to come! 

Friends had a lot of fun playing!

Make and take airplanes 

Love him! I got his cute shirt off Etsy! 

Four sweet girls (actually six if you count the babies in Dori's and Pam's belly!!) 

Aiden was OBSESSED with these sweet men!  They were so nice and kept picking him up and taking him where ever Aiden wanted to go.  -- Aiden and I had serious talks about not going with strangers!  

 Oreo pop!

Again, Aiden with his helper!  Gosh, that kid!!!  

Theater room! I'm telling you, this place is awesome! 

He was pretty impressed when everyone was singing to him! :) 


This is one of the Southwest planes there.  You could just take off and run through the whole thing.  Aiden loved it! 

Happy birthday, buddy!  Thank you to everyone who came.  We have the very best friends and are so happy you all came out to help celebrate!  We can't wait to celebrate on his actual birthday too! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Casey, Aiden's party is precious!! You did so good and it looks like he LOVED it!!
